Pop the Popsicles – the Yogic Diet way

Pop the Popsicles – the Yogic Diet way

Summer. As the sun shined down on us, the bright rays warming our skin, it brought back childhood memories of summer vacations and splashing in the water. The hot summer day made us thirsty and hungry for popsicles. As a kid, my mom would take me out to town to eat...
10 Morning Habits that made my Days Better

10 Morning Habits that made my Days Better

Do you recognize this scenario? You wake up disturbed by your alarm clock and from that moment on your day is taken over by life itself fueled by coffee and stress. Everything seems to go on autopilot from the moment you wake up and there isn’t a moment you feel...
What we eat in a day, the Yogic Diet way

What we eat in a day, the Yogic Diet way

What we eat in a day, the Yogic Diet way As the creators of YogicFoods, writing recipes and making cooking videos and food photos is a daily routine. So we must be eating a lot of beautiful Yogic Diet dishes, right!? Well, the answer may surprise you! Just like you...
Ginger Honey Lemon Cake

Ginger Honey Lemon Cake

dairy free, refined sugar free, butter free, egg free, nut free Everybody knows how a hot cup of honey, lemon and ginger tea helps you feel better when you have a soar throat. Add to that a pinch of turmeric, a natural anti-inflammatory agent, and you’re good to go in...

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