vegan, gluten free, no butter, nut free, egg free

This recipe is an adaptation of ‘Cauliflower and Potato Roast’ which first appeared on our iPhone App YogicFoods Global in 2016

When I was a kid, my mother would put a whole head of cauliflower in a big enough stockpot with water and cook it until soft. Then served the cauliflower with nothing but a sprinkle of nutmeg. And it tasted horrible. Mushy and bitter. Honestly, this wonderful and versatile vegetable can be so delicious. Our Cauliflower Power recipe is super easy and delivers a great, tasty result with only a few minutes hands-on time!

Cauliflower tastes great roasted, like we do here, but is also delicious as a creamy curried cauliflower soup or as little florets in vegetable soups, Thai curries or stir fries. You can even eat it as a steak. 

We have many dishes that star cauliflower like this Cauliflower Power on our apps for iPhone. Click here to check out our apps on the App Store for more Vegetarian and Vegan recipes with a Yogic twist .

As you all know, cauliflowers are white (although there are purple, brown, yellow and green varieties). They grows with their leaves covering their heads. This is what gives the cauliflower its white color. Although in nature the leaves wouldn’t completely block out the sun, wild cauliflowers or the ones in your vegetable garden, would probably be yellow.  The head of a cauliflower, as the name suggests, really consists of many tightly packed flowers called a curd. 

Food that grows low to the ground, or under the ground even, are called Rajasic. They are especially beneficial for the lower chakras; the Root Chakra, Muladhara, the Sacral Chakra, Swadhistana and the Navel Chakra also called Solar Plexus, Manipura. These three chakras form the Lower Triangle and are connected to the physical and basic needs of the body. 

This Cauliflower Power dish will help you strengthen Manipura. Chili, cumin, black pepper and cauliflower are all beneficial to the digestive system, according to the Yogic Diet. Because we cook and teach following the Yogic Diet, we like to explain the yogic health benefits of the ingredients we use for our recipe. In our apps we share many more ways to balance you health through chakras and meditation practice. We added a meditation timer to help balance your mind. 

Here a short overview of the Yogic health benefits of this recipe:

  • Cauliflower is a high fiber vegetable and is beneficial to the digestive system. 
  • Chili peppers are rich in vitamins and quite beneficial to the circulatory and digestive system.
  • Coriander or cilantro is rich in vitamins and good for the heart and blood. 
  • Cumin aids in digestion, soothes stomach aches and controls nausea and diarrhea. Besides that it is said to be effective in stimulating the menstrual cycle for women.
  • Garlic is one of the core roots essential to detox and to provide energy to the body.  Garlic is also an important potency tonic as it provides many benefits to the reproductive system
  • Black pepper is a blood purifier, especially when freshly ground. It is also an important digestive aid.
  • Turmeric is a very powerful anti-inflammatory agent. It is beneficial for the joints, skin as well as the female reproductive organs.

If you’d like to watch how we did it, here is our video. If you like it, please give it a thumbs up and while you’re at it, would you consider to subscribe so we can continue bringing wonderful recipes to you! Thank you.

The recipe is as follows:

  • 1 medium cauliflower (11/2 lb/750 gr)
  • 3 Tbsp olive oil (or other vegetable oil)
  • 1/4 tsp turmeric
  • 1/2 tsp cumin powder
  • 1/8 tsp chili flakes (or 1/4tsp if you like)
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp black pepper

Simply preheat the oven at 400F/200C. Cut the cauliflower into florets. Keep them chunky or they will get mushy or burn easily. I’d say about 2 inch/4cm chunks. Combine all the ingredients in a large mixing bowl and mix until all florets are coated. Then spread them out on a lined baking sheet and bake for about 40-45 minutes. Eat it with a salad and our roasted potatoes .

We hope you will love this delicious dish and enjoy these oven roasted cauliflower florets yourself or with your loved ones (at home or socially distanced)

Happy eating and baking!

Sat Nam and Namaste, 
Caroline & Gurpreet

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